суббота, 1 марта 2014 г.

Extreme Sports Treasure Hunt

By Valeria Gabuniya          

Read the article about surfing

Explore Internet resources and learn about extreme sports. Answer the questions.

2. Are extreme sports expensive? How do you understand the phrase “to keep your wallet open”? What sport is number one on this list?

3. What other kinds of extreme sports do you know? Which would you like to try? Which is the scariest for you?

4. What kinds of extreme sports are popular in our country, in your opinion? Which of them are impossible in our country?

5. Do you prefer winter or summer kinds of sports? Why?

6. What does British Coasteering Federation demand from clients and offer them? Speak about equipment and safety.

7. What are your fears?  Are you afraid of insects, snakes, height or something else?

8. Is horse riding dangerous? Why? Have you ever ridden a horse?

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