среда, 18 марта 2015 г.

Following the school-practice

Our third-year students have completed their school-practice, and of course, I couldn’t keep aside and silent.

Here are some episodes that come from the lessons of our student-teachers.

The children are asked to convert direct speech on the topic “Health” into indirect speech.
Student: The doctor asked him to take off his [ʃIt] (oops…).
Teacher: (reacts at once) [ʃɜ:t]
Student: The doctor asked if the patient took lunch at [seks].
Teacher: (doesn’t notice or pretends not to notice)

Teacher: (speaking half-Russian) Как будет has had in Past Perfect?

The children retell a dialogue. After a boy has presented the retelling the teacher decides: ‘why not try once again’.
Teacher: Who would like to try? I will help. (approaches a girl)
Girl: (keeps silent)
Teacher: OK! Then, let’s do Exercise 25.

The children together as a class:
- А можно я тоже к доске пойду?
- Можно мне второй столбик?
- Ну, пожалуйста…. блин….
Every child wants to write with chalk on the blackboard. Teachers are people, they like to write with chalk on the blackboard too. In two minutes, the teacher joins three pupils at the blackboard with a piece of chalk.

The class revise the use of Tenses.
Student: Present Simple имеет два глагола – to be и глагол с ‘инговым’ окончанием.
Teacher: Нет… Ты что…. Это неправильно.
Student: Present Continuous это сложное время, оно образуется при помощи…. (gives the definition)
Teacher: Да, но тут можно поспорить, что время сложное. Есть и посложнее времена в английском языке.

Student: Как сказать «собирать грибы»?
Teacher:  [gɒðə] mushrooms.

Teacher: Who can read these words?
Girl: Я (shaking her hand in front of the teacher’s nose)
Teacher: (notices the girl doesn’t have the textbook) OK. (and ignores the young lady till the end of the lesson)
I wonder where the teacher has learnt this technique …

Student: (reading) Have you got river and forest?
Teacher: Не оглушай, там не одна река и не один лес: rivers and forests.

Teacher: Who does bring you some newspapers, some letters? (trying to make it clear to the students) Кто, по вашему, в почтовые ящики складывает вот эти вот все газеты, да, письма, между прочим…. А вы говорите, у нас нет почтальонов …

Teacher: OK. Now dialogue for heart… (and for soul?...)

Student: I like [ˌpIn æplz]
The teacher likes them too. I guess, they must look like this.

Teacher: Открываем домашнее задание.
Student: Страница сто один, Exercise one.
Another student: Оно вообще такое лёгкое… Делать нечего…

Teacher: ‘Toe’ это не палец, это кусок ноги….

Teacher: Does everybody can play football?
Another teacher: Can you, please, tell me, how do we form plural forms of nouns?
(in a minute or two) Can you please tell me the examples when do we add just –s?
One more teacher: Now, let's remember your new words.

Teacher: Как у нас Абдул скажет «Я пою», прямо сейчас, в эту минуту?
Students: Никак. Он не поёт.
Some children start singing, which sounds more like howling.
Teacher: Так, петь никому не надо!

The teacher asks the children to read and translate some sentences.
Student: It sounds like a great place to grow up. (has difficulty translating it)
Teacher: (helps the student with translation) Это звучит как хорошее место, чтобы вырасти.

If you want to grow up, go there, to that wonderful place.

I must say, I don't like writing with chalk, that's why I never write rules on the blackboard, instead, I place some of them on my blog. But I like watching videos, and it's a pity I had a chance to see a video about friendship only twice in one of your lessons.

My dear teachers, this film is for you.

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