воскресенье, 19 апреля 2015 г.

The Vikings Treasure Hunt

By Anastasia Sokolova

Do you know anything about the Vikings Age?

You will have to do some research about the problem of the Vikings. Then  you need to summarize and explain your research to your groupmates in a brief talk.
1.     Where is the word Viking thought to derive from? http://www.historyworld.net/wrldhis/PlainTextHistories.asp?historyid=ab86
Read some information about  the Vikings expansion and their raids
and say: what  the motivation for expansion was,
                when the Vikings  overrun most of the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms,
                when the whole of England was unified and with the people from what countries.
2.     Read  the Top 10 Toughest Viking Warriors (http://www.toptenz.net/top-10-toughest-viking-warriors.php)
List the names of the Viking warriors.
Say a few words about any warrior you like best ( or least) of all.
3.     Did the Vikings have their own religion? Did they believe in one or several gods?
4.     Learn the information about  a passport to Valhalla ( see the picture bellow).
Say what you think about it. Then learn some more facts about Valhalla.
What is Valhalla? Who rules there? Where is it situated? How is it possible to get there? Does anyone have a chance to be there

5.     Read the myths about the Vikings and enumerate them saying a few words about each of them. http://www.livescience.com/32087-viking-history-facts-myths.html
Did you know anything about such myths? If you know some more interesting myths present them to your groupmates.

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